1) Training and professional development is NOT one of the options that states and territories have for investing their CCDF quality funds? a) True b) False 2) What type of training must be accessible & cover the health & safety standards appropriate to the setting & ages of children served? a) Equity and Inclusion training b) Orientation training c) Relationship-based care training d) CPR training 3) What type of training must be accessible and align to a progression of PD that includes a minimum number of annual hours of trainings for the child care workforce?  a) Ongoing training b) Quality Assurance training c) Trauma-Informed Care training d) Leadership training 4) In addition to the required health & safety trainings, lead agencies must spend funds on training and TA for child care providers in what two key areas? a) Leadership development and culturally responsive practices b) Child development and Suspension and expulsion policy c) Strengthening providers’ business practices and subsidy training d) Children experiencing homelessness and strengthening providers’ business practices 5) The Office of Child Care (OCC) requires that states report in the CCDF Plan the number of hours of training required annually for CCDF-eligible providers? a) True b) False 6) Early Learning and Development Guidelines Alignment Efforts must align: a) Across age groups b) Within age groups c) Across curriculum & assessments d) All of the above 7) Training and professional development should be designed to meet the needs of diverse populations of children (and their providers). a) I have no idea b) Misleading c) Fact 8) Lead Agencies will need to ensure that CCDF funds are not used to develop or implement any assessment that a) will be used as the primary or sole method for assessing program effectiveness b) will be used to support learning or improve a classroom environment c) will be used to target professional development d) family support services 9) Training and professional development must be accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations receiving CCDF assistance a) For real, real b) Mistaken 10) Professional development strategies that emphasize onsite mentoring and coaching of teachers: a) Are required b) Don't really work c) Have emerged as promising to change practices with children and families d) Are the only support that improve quality care through child/caregiver interactions

CCDF: Child Care Workforce

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