True: prerequisite for, insistence on, thirst for, reason to do, interpretation of, taste in, in sharp contrast with, talent for, leap in the dark, jump for joy, by leaps and bounds, know no bounds, jump down my throat, out of bounds, jump to conclusions, dress rehearsal, backing vocals, stage fright, to enter the stage on cue, live performance, curtain call, understudy, playwright, screen writer, False: prerequisite of, insistence of, thirst of, reason doing, interpretation about, taste for, in sharp contrast for, talent of , jump in the dark, leap for joy, by bounds and leaps, know no bonds, leap down my throat, out of jumps, leap to conclusions, general rehearsal, back vocals, staging fright, to enter the stage on clue, living performance, stage call, prestudy, play writer, screenwright,
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