1) descended a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) n. plans to act in a certain way; purposes c) v. gave permission or agreed to d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 2) accompany a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 3) dismiss a) n. plans to act in a certain way; purposes b) v. gave permission or agreed to c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 4) despair a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 5) bridle a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 6) delicacies a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods 7) intentions a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) v. to take away the job of, or fire d) n. a complete loss of hope e) n. plans to act in a certain way; purposes f) v. gave permission or agreed to 8) consented a) v. moved from a higher place to a lower one b) v. to go together with c) n. plans to act in a certain way; purposes d) v. gave permission or agreed to e) n. the part of a horse’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or lead them f) n. rare or excellent foods

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