The contractor might not be willing to go any lower on the price, but there's no harm in asking then. - Doing something may be good, pragmatic, or beneficial, and will not cause any problems or harm., Because the entire program is online, we are able to tailor it to students from every walk of life. - To change, adapt, or customize something so as to be correct or ideal for a particular person, thing, group, or situation., She held back from interfering in their arguments. - to stop something from happening or advancing, or to keep someone from doing something, Let's wait until she's hit her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract. - to become familiar with and confident at something you have recently started doing:, When is the government going to tackle the problem of poverty in the inner cities? - to try to deal with something or someone:, After the accident, she was prey to all kinds of anxieties. - to be harmed or affected in a bad way by (someone or something), With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible. - able to be made, done, or achieved:,
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