about to - almost ready to , above all - most importantly, add up - make sense /be logical, all of a sudden - suddenly /without warning, as a matter of fact - in reality /actually, as a rule - generally , at ease - not nervous / calm , at the drop of a hat - quickly, back out (of) - withdraw an offer, bank on - depend on, count on, be my guest - do what you want, feel free, be rusty - need practice or review, beats me - I don't know, I have no idea, better off - in an improved condition, bite off more than one can chew - take on more responsability than one can handle, bound to - certain to , break down - stop functioning, break in (on) - interrupt, break the ice - break through social barriers, break the news - to inform, break up - end (a meeting), break up with - stop being a couple, a breeze - something very simple or easy to do , bring about - cause to happen, bring up - raise (a child), brush up on - review, study, practice, bump into - meet unexpectedly, by and large - mostly, generally , by hearth - by memory, by no means - in no way, not at all,
Toefl / Vocabulary / Mini Lesson 1.1
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