ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: IRREGULAR HR ATRIAL RATE 300-600 BPM, VENTRICULAR 120-200 BPM, The rhythm is chaotic and irregular. Snacks in the grass, RISK FACTORS: carditis, post op cardiac surgery, valvular diseases, sleep apnea, cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, remodeling, dilation, SYMPTOMS: overtired, SOB, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, TREATMENTS: Cardioversion, Ablation, TEE, Stress Tests, MAZE, Anticoagulants, and Digoxin, Position patient in semi-recumbent, IF UNCONTROLLED can lead to clots, stroke, HF, MI, ATRIAL FLUTTER: Blood can collect or pool in atria, forming clots, Rate is typically 140-400 bpm (atrial) and 75-150 bpm (ventricular), Rhythm is chaotic with a sawtooth appearance, RISK FACTORS: epinephrine, hypoxia, stimulants, caffeine, alcohol, illegal drugs, nicotine, SYMPTOMS: dizziness, weak or tired, SOB, chest pain, fluttering or pounding in the chest, TREATMENTS: cardioversion, ablation, anticoagulants , PREMATURE VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION: early HB that originates in the ventricles and disrupts the hearts rhythm, Pattern is normal with an extra beat, a slight pause, and then a stronger than normal beat, Described as palpitations or "skipping beats", Beats following can cause pain or discomfort, Frequent or series of these may feel a fluttering sensation in the chest or neck,
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