Correct: 18 years old, 5 years of legal residency, understands U.S. Civics , Reads, writes, and speaks English, obeys the laws of the United States, Fill out application, Background check, Interview to check your English skills, Pass the Citizenship test about U.S. Civics, Take the Oath of Allegiance, Incorrect: 21 years old, 7 years of legal residency, College Degree in U.S. Civics, Has gone to school in the United States, follows all laws, except red lights and speed limits, Sign document, giving away your previous identity, DNA test to check that you are human, 16 years old , 6 years of legal residency, Must have passed American job interview, Pass Math & Science tests to prove your worth to our country, Show some skill with weapons or hand-to-hand combat for military purposes, Be recognized by the United States as a citizen of the U.S. and another country, Just show up.,
Citizenship - naturalization
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7th Grade
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