Non-Fiction - a text that includes true information, real events and/or facts, Fiction - a story that is made-up or imagined; is not true, Realistic Fiction - a story that takes place in the present, where the events didn't happen, but they could have happened, Historical Fiction - a story that takes place in the past, using a real setting, but has fictional characters, Graphic Novel - a complete story that is written and illustrated in the style of a comic, and can be fiction or non-fiction, Fable - a short story that teaches a lesson, and often has animals or objects that talk like people, Poetry - text that is written in verse and focused on expressing thoughts, feelings, or emotions , Fantasy - a story that could never happen in real life, and often includes magic, Mystery - a story centered around a puzzling event, and the characters uncover clues, Informational Text - a type of non-fiction text written to inform the reader of a topic, Animal Fiction - a story where animals are the main characters, and are given human qualities, such as speech, Science Fiction - a story that includes elements of science and technology, and is often set in the future, Narrative Non-fiction - a non-fiction text that shares facts and information in a story-like format, Biography - a book written about a real person's life, written by another person, Autobiography - a book written about a real person's life, written by that person,
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