1) Which zodiac animal represents Chinese New Year of 2023? a) lao shu b) niu c) tu zi 2) How many animals are in the Chinese Zodiac? a) 十 b) 七 c) 十二 3) Which animal is the first one to cross the finishing line in the race of Chinese Zodiac legend? a) lao shu b) gong ji c) lao hu 4) Which animal does not make it into the Chinese Zodiac? a) shé b) lóng c) māo 5) Money is given inside a _____ for the blessing of Chinese New Year? a) hóngbāo b) dàngāo c) gift bags 6) What kind of dance is usually seen at the Chinese New Year celebration? a) Lion/Dragon b) Ballet c) Tap Dance 7) Around Chinese New Year, what is the most commonly used greeting term? a) Xiè xie. b) Gōng xǐ ! c) Zài jiàn 8) Chinese New Year celebration last for 15 days, which festival concludes Chinese New Year celebration? a) Moon Festival b) Dragon Boat Festival c) Lantern Festival 9) What color is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture and are seen a lot around the Chinese New Year a) Black b) Red c) Green 10) According to the story of Nian Monster in a Chinese New Year legend, what are the three things that frightened away the monster? a) Villagers, an old man, and night time. b) Loud noise, bright lights, and the color red. c) Roosters, lanterns, day light. 11) The Chinese character 春 and 福 are usually posted up-side-down, because up-side-down sounds the same as________ in Chinese. a) Arrive b) Return c) Begin 12) Which is not appropriate in Chinese gift giving etiquette? a) Give brand new money b) Open the gift in front of the giver c) Give money in even number 13) Chinese likes to use number 8 because the pronunciation of 8 rhymes with the pronunciation of______. a) Health b) Happiness c) Generate wealth 14) Nowadays, what will people do to celebrate Chinese New Year? a) Go to the mountain to avoid Nian Monster. b) Get together with family and friends on New Year’s Eve and have a reunion dinner. c) Clean their houses on New Year’s Day. 15) Serving fish on New Year’s Eve Dinner symbolizes the hope for a new year of ______, because it has the same pronunciation as fish. a) love/joy b) Plenty/abundance c) Health/happiness 16) Which food is not a traditional food for Chinese New Year Eve Dinner? a) Fish b) jiǎozi c) Taco

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