中秋节(zhōng qiū jié) - Mid-Autumn Festival, 月亮(yuè liàng) - moon, 赏月(shǎng yuè) - admire the full moon, 灯笼(dēng lóng) - lantern, 月饼(yuè bǐng) - mooncake, 茶(chá) - tea, 吃月饼(chī yuè bǐng) - eat mooncakes, 喝茶(hē chá) - drink tea, 后羿(hòu yì) - Chinese hero who shot down nine suns in the sky, 嫦娥(Cháng é) - Goddess of the Moon, 玉兔(yù tù) - Jade Rabbit, Mid-Autumn Festival - 中秋节(zhōng qiū jié), moon - 月亮(yuè liàng), admire the full moon - 赏月(shǎng yuè), lantern - 灯笼(dēng lóng), mooncake - 月饼(yuè bǐng), tea - 茶(chá), eat mooncakes - 吃月饼(chī yuè bǐng), drink tea - 喝茶(hē chá), Chinese hero who shot down nine suns in the sky - 后羿(hòu yì), Goddess of the Moon - 嫦娥(Cháng é), Jade Rabbit - 玉兔(yù tù),

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