Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and your favorite color , Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and your favorite food, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and your favorite kind of music, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and your favorite TV program, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and the name of your previous English teacher, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and how many siblings do you have..., Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and a language you are interested in learning, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and a movie that made you cry, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and if you are TEAMCIELO or TEAMINFIERNO, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and if you like dancing, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and your favorite group/singer, Mention your name, your age, your major, semester and if you exercise or not.
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