Mild & Moderate: Ask about feelings, Encourage expression of feelings, develop trust, and identify the source of the anxiety, Open‑ended questions, Giving broad openings, Seeking clarification, Assist the client to focus and to begin to problem solve, Assist in identifying adaptive / maladaptive coping mechanisms, Evaluate past coping mechanisms, Offer options for problem‑solving, Severe & Panic: Minimizes risk, prevent harm, and provide physical safety, Anxiety may mask needs: fluids, food, sleep, Remain with the client instead about feelings, Offer PRN medications like benzos Restraint (if less restrictive interventions fail), Prevent escalation of anxiety, Quiet environment / minimal stimulation, Set limits by using firm, short, and simple statements, Repetition can be necessary, Speak slowly and in a low-pitched voice., Direct the client to acknowledge reality , Focus on what is present in the environment,
MH: Levels of Anxiety - Therapeutic Communication
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