Political Sociology - Investigates the social ramifications of various forms of political movements and ideologies and the origin, growth and functions of the state and the government., Rural Sociology - This area examines living patterns such as behavior, religion, culture, tradition norms, values, and so on that differ greatly from those of urban people., Social psychology - The study focuses on the way the presence and behavior of others influences individual or group behavior., Criminology - Numerous questions are answered by it, such as the genesis of the crime, its forms of nature, causes, as well as law, punishment, and police, among others., Sociology of Law - Law is one of the very crucial means of social control. Law is interconnected with other social subsystems., Population Size - Example of sociology of demography, Sociology of Economy - The study of the production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of goods and services., Theories - Theoretical Sociology, Constant Influence - Example of sociology of knowledge, Church's origins - Example of sociology of religion,
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