Good coping skills - helps you feel better in the moment without hurting yourself or others, or getting you into trouble: Using positive self-talk, Deep breathing, Going for a walk, Doing something creative, Exercising, Talking to a friend, Playing a sport or a game, Hanging out with friends, Taking a break to rest or nap, Using an I-feel message, Counting to 10, Taking a shower or bath, Poor coping skills - might feel good when you use it but it ends up hurting you or other people and can be harmful: Saying mean or hurtful comments to other people, Throwing things or ripping paper, Yelling and screaming, Hurting yourself, Making threats, Doing something dangerous, Shutting down, Pretending like you don't care, Blaming other people, Negative self-talk, Avoiding family and friends, Hitting or kicking other people,
Coping skills
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