integumentary system - sysytem that includes ll external coverings of the body (skin, hair, nails), epidermis - the outermost layer of the skin and the only layer in direct contact with the environment, melanin - a pigment that protects the body by absorbing some of the sun's damaging ultraviolet light, dermis - thick layer of skin that gives skin strength, nourishment, and flexibility, bruise - an injury where blood vessels in the skin are broken but the skin is not cut or opened, 5 main functions of skin - protection, sensory response, temperature regulation, production of vitamin D, and elimination of waste, 3 main layers of the skin - epidermis, dermis, and fatty layer, 3 most commin types of skin injuries - bruises, cuts, and burns, 3 ways you can take care of your skin - use sunscreen, eat a balanced diet, protect skin from sunlight,
Integumentary system
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