You are going to your bestf riend’s wedding., You are planning a trip to Asia., You are writing and important exam., You are thinking about buying a pet., You are at your grandmother’s 80th birthday party, You are looking for a job., Your neighbours have a newborn baby., It is your first day at your new job., You are walking home alone at night., You are moving to a new apartment., You are going out on a Friday night., You are meeting your partner’s parents for the first time., Your boss has postponed an important meeting for next week., You are receiving offensive messages on Facebook., Your car has just broken down in the middle of the street., You have bought a new dishwasher., Your best friend has a cold., You have won $10 000., You have a terrible headache. , You are at a university library., You are a witness in a criminal case., Your best friend is telling you their secret., You are thinking of downloading some pirate computer software., You are preparing a dinner party for your friends., You are driving to an important meeting and you are late., Your colleagues are gossiping about the boss in the office.,
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