What does your heart pump? - Blood, Which is the nearest star? - The Sun, Which is heavier, gold or silver? - Gold, How many legs does a butterfly have? - 6, What is the capital city of Norway? - Oslo, What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.? - Alaska, How many strings does a violin have? - 4, How many dots are there in total on one dice? - 21, How many weeks are there in a year? - 52, Which is the longest river in the world? - The Amazonas, What is the biggest planet in the Solar System? - Jupiter, When did we first land on the Moon? - July 16, 1969., How many countries officially speak English? - 67 countries, What is the capital of Colombia? - Bogota, Which country produces the most coffee in the world? - Brazil, What is the tallest building in the world? - Burj Khalifa,
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