Abstinence - refusal to engage in a sexual relationship, Artificial insem - Assisted reproductive technology procedure that involves introducing sperm into the vagina or uterus by a medical procedure rather than intercourse , Fertilitycounseling  - medical evaluation that seeks to determine the cause of fertility issues, Fraternal Births - Children from multiple pregnancies who develop from 2 or more fertilized ova and differ in genetic makeup, GIFT - ART procedure in which a mixture of sperm and eggs is placed in a womans fallopian tubes, where fertilization occur, GED - opporunitinuiy for people who did not graduate from highschool to earn a state issued certificate of high school equivalency , Infertile - term used to refer to a person who is unable to conceive after a year of trying, IVF - ATR procedure in which some of the mother's eggs are surgically removed, fertilized with sperm in a lab dish, and then implanted into the mothers uterus, Low Birth Weight - wieght under 5.5lbs at birth for a single birth and under 3.5lbs per baby in a multiple birth, Miscarriage - expulsion of a baby from the mothers body before week 20 of pregnancy , Mixed type birth - children from higher mutple preganacies some of whom are identical and one or more fraternal, Mortality Rate - rate of death, Multiple pregnancy - pregnancy in which 2 or more babies develop , Preterm Birth - born too soon, Sterile - condition of being permanently unable to have children and conceive and carry them, Still birth - loss of fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy , Surrogate - Woman who bears a child for a couple,

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