Good choices: I brush my teeth twice a day everyday., I go to bed at 9:00pm and I get at least 9 hours of sleep., I take a bath or shower every day., I wash my hands after I use the bathroom., I cover my cough or sneeze with my arm., I go to the doctor when I am sick., I clean or disinfect my small scratch, cut, or scrape before I put on a bandage. , I follow safety rules., I drink plenty of water., I eat fruits and vegetables often., Bad choices: I put my fingers inside my mouth and nose., I brush my teeth once a day., I go to school when I am very sick., I scratch my skin where I have a healing wound., I use my hands to cover my sneezes and coughs., I eat a lot of candy., I do not follow safety rules., I drink a lot of juice and soda., When I have a scratch, cut, or scrape I only put on a band-aid., After I use the toilet, I just leave the bathroom..,
Healthy Habits
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