Consumer Behavior - The study of consumers and how they make their consumption decisions., Final Consumers - They buy products or services for personal use., Business Consumers - They buy goods and services to resell or sue in producing and marketing other goods and services., Need - Is anything you require to live., Want - A culturally defined way to fulfill that need., Motivation - The set of positive or negative factors that direct your individual behavior. , Buying Motives - Are the reasons you buy., Emotional Motives - Are reasons to purchase based on feelings and emotions., Rational Motives - Are reasons to buy based on facts or logic., Patronage Motives - Based on loyalty., Buying Behavior - Refers to the processes consumers use and the actions they take when they purchase services and products., Consumer decision- making process - The process by which consumers collect and analyze informations to make choices among alternatives, Personal identity - Consists of the characteristics that make a person unique., Personality - Is a pattern of emotions and behaviors that define an individual., Attitude - Is a frame of mind developed from a person's values, beliefs, and feelings., Self-Concept - An individual's belief about his or her identity, image, and capabilities., Lifestyle - Is the way a person lives as reflected by material goods, activities, and relationships, Culture - Is the history, beliefs, customs, and traditions of a group., Reference Group - Is a group of people or an organization that an individual admires, identifies with, and wants to be a part of.,
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