seek - Has full black body and one eye on his face and he runs fast and chases you, figure - Is a big monster that i9s brown with no eyes and is tall as a slender and has no eyes and one big mouth he is blind and he lives in the libraby, screech - Is a little small thing that has no body and floats and has glow eyes and a smile on his face and lives in the darkness and jumpscareds you in the darkness , player - Is someone who is trying to escape from doors, rush - He is the first monster you see when the lights go out and on, ambush - He is faster than rush and seek and you have to hide and get out as fast as you can, tymothy - Is a spider that is hidden to jumpscared you, window - Is like a smiling creature looking at the window and then in like 1.00 seconds goes away when you see it, bob - Is just a skeleton with a dark blue hat, shadow - Is just a shadow that you see and goes away, el goblino - Is a little red guy with red little ears and little red tail and welcomes you to their small buniness , glitch - Is a helper that teleports you and helps you to get to another door or just sent you out of the map, halt - Is something that chases you, but is not seek, not ambush, and not rush and says 'turn back' or 'turn around', eyes - Is something with a lot of eyes and takes damage if you look at it, jack - just hidden in the closet and does not let you in and closes the door closet in your face if you want to go inside, dupe - when you get the wrong door he jumpscareds you and kicks you out just like jack but takes almost all of you damage,

Guess the doors monsters!

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