What are some tools you use in your recovery?, What does serenity mean to you?, When you were new in the rooms, what was the first thing that made an impact on you?, Tell us about when you finally realized you had a problem?, What is some things you do to encourage a newcomer?, What are some of the things you need to work on the most in your recovery?, How can my life become unmanageable in recovery?, The defect that cause the most discomfort in my life today is..., Describe your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you went to., Give an example of a recent surrender in your recovery., What are you most grateful for today? Share about your blessings in your life, How did my family react to my addiction/recovery?, How can resentments negatively affect recovery? , How do I stay sober on a daily basis?, What do you have hope about today?, How do I forgive myself and get rid of guilt?, Describe the balance between your recovery and your life outside of AA, What does acceptance mean to you and how do you practice it?, How do you manage stress in recovery?, What brought you to your gift of desperation?, What are some of the gifts A.A. has brought to your life?, Why do we do service work?, What do you do daily to help you in your recovery?, How do you prevent triggers from effecting your recovery?, Spiritual awakening; have you had one? If so what did it look like to you?, What has been the hardest part of your recovery so far?, What is the biggest area of growth in your recovery thus far?, What did you find helpful in the early days of recovery?, Why do we say progress not perfection? , How do you practice self-care in your life today?, What is your favorite step?, Letting go ( of people, places, and things).
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