Sample - The part of a sound wave that is captured, measured and assigned a numeric value during digital sounds recording., Frame rate - The number of images, or frames, that are taken each second during digital video recording. Most digital videos have a frame rate of about 30 frames per second., Resolution - The number of pixels in the width and height of each frame of a digital video recording., Color Depth - The amount of memory the computer uses to display color in a digital image or a digital video. 8-bit color images use one byte of data for each pixel., RGB Display - A pixel will display different colors depending on the brightness of each light., Raster display - Images stored by dividing a picture into rows of pixels and collecting the color values of each pixel, in order, row-by-row., Vector images - Images stored by mathematically describing the shapes in the shapes in the image. A circle might be stored as center point, File compression - A way of reducing the size of files,Making them easier to store., LossLess compression - A compression algorithm,such as GIF,PNG,PDF,and ZIP, that doesn’t , Lossy Compression - A compression algorithm,Such as JPG MP3 and MP4 that slightly alters the data to make it easier to store,t, Run Length Encoding - A common lossless compression algorithm that looks for repeated patterns of bits or bytes and records, Compression Artifact - A patch of pixels in a compressed image or video that have less visible detail than the rest of the image., Bitrate - Kilobits of audio data processed each second., Video Codecs - Pieces of software that either compress or decompress digital media, Wireframes - The first step in designing a 3D model which provides the outline of the model , including only the vertices and lines without including any surfaces, textures, or lightning ., Rendering - The second step in designing a 3D model which converts the models into 2D images on a computer., Ray tracing - An advanced rendering method that is used to create incredibly realistic lighting effects for things like video games and movies.,
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