Positive Work Ethic - punctual and consistent attendance, taking direction willingly, exhibiting motivation to accomplish the task at hand, Integrity - identifying and abiding by laws and workplace policies, respecting the property of the employer and coworkers, identifying that your actions have far-reaching effects, honesty and reliability, Teamwork Skills - contributing to the success of the team, assisting others, requesting help when needed, Self-representation Skills - dressing appropriately, maintaining personal hygiene, using language and manners suitable for the workplace, Diversity Awareness - working in a respectful and friendly manner with all customers and coworkers, respecting cultural differences encountered in the workplace, Conflict Resolution Skills - negotiating diplomatic solutions to interpersonal conflicts in the workplace, Creativity and Resourcefulness - contributing new ideas, displaying initiative readily, independently, and responsibly, Speaking and Listening Skills - communicating effectively with customers and fellow coworkers, exhibiting public and group public speaking skills, comprehending details and following directions, repeating directions or requests to ensure understanding, Reading and Writing Skills - reading and correctly interpreting workplace documents, writing clear, correct, language, appropriate to audience, Critical-thinking and Problem-solving Skills - recognizing, analyzing, and solving problems that arise in completing assigned tasks; identifying resources that may help solve a specific problem; using a logical approach to make decisions and solve problems, Job-specific Math Skills - using mathematical reasoning and process to accomplish job-specific tasks, making calculations related to personal finance, Customer Service Skills - addressing the needs of all customers; providing helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable service, displaying a positive attitude, treating all customers with the same degree of professional respect, Proficiency with Technology - selecting and safely using technological resources, Internet Use and Security Issues - using the internet efficiently and ethically for work, identifying the risks of posting personal and work information on social media, taking measures to avoid internet security risks,
Workplace Readiness
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