1) Where was Prophet Ibrahim (as) born? a) Egypt b) The kingdom of Babylon c) Yemen 2) What was the name of Prophet Ibrahim’s father? a) Yusuf b) Aazar c) Lut 3) What was the job of Ibrahim's father? a) Asculptor of Idols b) Shepherd c) A blacksmith 4) What surprised Prophet Ibrahim from his people? a) worshipped the Idols b) they can do magic c) They 5) How did prophet Ibrahim know that Allah existed? a) Allah guided him to the truth b) Someone told him c) Animal showed him 6) What was Ibrahim's plan to prove that Allah existed? a) Do a magic show b) Destroy the idols c) Make more idols 7) Ibrahim broke every idol except the big one to show his people...  a) An idol can not defend himself b) Idols can break idols  c) That Idol is the real god. 8) How did the people of Ibrahim punish him? a) drown him b) stone him c) Burn him 9) Which Angel came to Prophet Ibrahim (as) to offer him help while he was being thrown into the fire? a) Jibreel b) Israfeel c) Ezraeel 10) How did they throw him in the burning fire? a) using a catapult b) pushed him c) they pushed him off a cliff 11) What was the name of the king who challenged the beliefs of Prophet Ibrahim (as)? a) Firawn b) Nimrod c) Salman 12) Who were the only 2 people in Babylon who believed in Ibrahim (as)? a) Hajar and Ismael b) His father and Hajar c) Sarah and Lut (as) 13) The king Gifted Sarah a maid named .... a) Sofia b) AAsia c) Hajar 14) Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim (as) to travel with Hajar and their son to a valley in the Arabian Peninsula. What did he do with them there? a) He stayed with them b) He left them there alone c) He built a big house. 15) Hajar frantically ran between two hills to find food/drink for her baby. What were these two hills called? a) Uhud and kilimanjaro b) Safa and Marwa c) Toubqal and the white mountain 16) How many times did Hajar run between these two hills? a) 7 times b) 11 Times c) 5 times 17) Which miracle occurred when an angel came and struck the ground? a) Food appeared b) Water goshed out c) The ground split open

Prophet Ibrahim 1

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