make sure - Can I just make sure I've understood this correctly?, understand - Do you understand what I'm trying to say?, right in - Would I be right in thinking ... ?, mean - Do you get what I mean?, clear - Have I made myself clear?, impression - I got the impression that / thought that ..., get personal - Let's try not to get personal here., focused on - Can we try and stay focused on the facts?, objective - Let's try to stay objective., professional about - We should be professional about this., distracted - Let's not get distracted by..., point - I think we need to keep to the point here., aware - I don't know if you are aware but..., worried - I'm a bit worried about ..., updated about - Have you been updated about ...?, told - Have you been told ... ? Do you know about ...?, concern - My main concern is .., uneasy - I'm rather uneasy about ..., not happy - I'm really not happy with ..., issue - The real issue here is ..., Ok - This isn't Ok for me., right - I really don't think this is right., concentrated - What we should be concentrated on is ..., thing - The main thing we must remember is ...,
BR Adv U5 Dealing with conflict - reconstruct
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