: WHEN DID the Berlin Wall come down? Use: ago (1989 – How many years ago was that?), WHEN DID the first person walk on the moon? Use: ago (1969 – How many years ago was that?), WHEN DID the modern Olympic Games start? Use: ago (1896 – How many years ago was that?), WHEN DID Vesuvius erupt and destroy Pompeii? Use: in (79AD), WHEN DID a tsunami cause a lot of damage in the Indian Ocean? Use: in (2004), WHEN DID the First World war end? Use: on + date + year (11th November, 1918), WHEN DID the first Oscars ceremony take place? Use: in (1929), WHEN DID the San Francisco earthquake happen? Use: in (1906), WHEN DID the Wright Brothers first fly? Use: ago (1903 – How many years ago was that?) , WHEN DID George Lucas make the first Star Wars film? Use: in (1977),
Wider World 3 Unit 2 the past simple / history
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