Nothing serious, you just want a day off. Ask your boss (I'd...., would), You've been working for the company for a long time, you want a raise (expect, need), Ask your colleague to hurry with his job, the deadline is coming (remind, warn), Your supplier delivered you not working printers, react (tell, ask), Order a coffee (would), Your customer didn't pay you on time (advise, warn), Your friend complains “I often forget things like meetings and phone numbers.” , Your friend complains 'I just feel I'm going nowhere in my job'., Your friend complains: "I frequently travel to Germany but I don’t speak a word of the language.”, Your friend complains: "I feel so tired and overworked'., Your friend complains: "My car is always breaking down!", Respond: your colleagues arrive late and leave early, let's tell the boss to fire them! , Respond: Tim and Lisa never return items they borrow, why don't we steal something from them , Respond: Your manager smokes continuously, we could tell him he'd get lung cancer soon, Respond: Mel is always heating his smelly lunch in the office microwave, we hate him! Let's complain to the boss.
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