location - where the job is, schedule - the days and times for work, duties - assigned work for the position, wages - set amount of money earned for each hour of work completed, requirements - education, language, or physical needs for the job, job title - the name of a job, for example, "teacher", full time - 35-40 hours per week, part time - less than 35 hours per week, overtime - more than 40 hours per week, salary - set amount of money earned annually, hard skills - things you learned how to do, for example, "typing", interests - things you like, or like doing, work history - previous jobs, reference - a person who can speak positively about you, outgoing - social, talkative, extroverted, shy - timid, introverted, strength - a good quality in a person, rewarding - a good feeling from helping others, volunteer - do work for free to gain experience or network, network - people you know who might help you find a job, resume objective - description of your career goal, soft skills - how you interact with other people, for example, "friendly and reliable" , graveyard shift - overnight work shift, HR - human resources, discrimination - treat people differently because of their identity,
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