adran - department, adrannau - departments, breuddwyd - dream, breuddwydion - dreams, amlen - envelope, amlenni - envelopes, cefnogaeth - support, cynulleidfa - audience, cynulleidfaoedd - audiences, dolen - link, dolenni - links, eglwys gadeiriol - cathedral, eglwysi cadeiriol - cathedrals, hwyl - mood, hwyliau - moods, mynedfa - entrance, mynedfeydd - entrances, siop trin gwallt - hairdresser's, twristiaeth - tourism, amgylchedd - environment, atgof - memory, atgofion - memories, cofnod - note (written), record (minutes), cofnodion - notes (written), records (minutes), cyfaill - friend, cyfeillion - friends, cyfrifydd - accountant, cyfrifwyr - accountants, diflastod - boredom, diwydiant - industry, diwydiannau - industries, fferyllydd - chemist, fferyllwyr - chemists, ffitrwydd - fitness, gliniadur - laptop, gliniaduron - laptops, gorffwys - rest, gweithle - workplace, gweithleoedd - workplaces, nodyn - note, nodiadau - notes, pigiad - injection, pigiadau - injections, poster - poster, posteri - posters, presgripsiwn - prescription, presgripsiynau - prescriptions, siswrn - scissor, sisyrnau - scissors, traethawd - essay, traethodau - essays, cochi - to blush, cynllunio - to plan, dianc - to escape, llwyddo (i) - to succeed (in doing), marchnata - to market, marketing, para - to last, perswadio - to persuade, ymddiried - to trust, defnyddiol - useful, diogel - safe, bant - away, dannedd gosod - false teeth, dod draw - come over, druan â ti - you poor thing, edrych dros - to check, to look over, gan gynnwys - including, gyda'r hwyr - gyda'r nos,

Geirfa Uned 06 - Canolradd, Cymraeg i Oedolion (de)

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