Selichot(os) - Tefilot asking for G-ds forgiveness , Kittel - White cotton robe symbolizing purity, Shofar - Tekiah Shevarim and Teruah sounds, U'Netaneh Tokef - Piyyut before Kedusha Musaf , Yizkor - Memorial service on holidays, Yom Teruah - The Torah's name for Rosh HaShana, And Hashem Remembered Sarah - RH day 1 Torah Reading, Akeidat Yitzchak- Binding of Isaac - RH day 2 Torah Reading, And on the 7th month on the 1st day - Maftir RH, Tashlich - Tefillah said at the water, Stop doing the sin: Azivat Hachaet - 1st step of Teshuvah, Regret the action :Charata - 2nd Step of Teshuvah, Decide for the future-Kabala L'Atid - 3rd step of Teshuvah, Verbal confession :Viduy - 4th step of Teshuvah, Not sinning in the same repeat situation - Last step for FULL Teshuvah, Simanim - Symbolic foods for the new year, Kingship, Remembrance, Shofar - RH Musaf themes, 3 Torah , 3 Prophet , 3 Writings ,1 Torah - Musaf theme quotes from psukim, sh'ne emar- as it is ( said) written.. - Word that precedes every verse quote in Mussaf, Ten days of repentence- Aseret Yimai Teshuvah - The days between RH and YK,
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