Role of the teacher: Design instruction., Design learning opportunities., Role of the paraeducator: Support instruction., Promote student independence., Ways to support writing instruction: Be an audience for the student's writing., Sit in on group writing conferences while students make comments and ask questions about one another's writing., Act as as scribe for a student who is unable to or just learning to spell., Help with proofreading and editing., Provide standard spellings for personal word banks., Type or print pieces for publication or display., Assist students with book covers or book bindings., First drafts: Where writers share ideas only., Not a place to worry about spelling, neatness, or handwriting., Writing Accommodations/Modifications: Use a voice recorder., Use voice activated computer software., Start with small assignments., Use the computer to write., Visit the occupational therapist for tips and pointers to help a student write., Sample Writing Prompts: Try to solve that problem yourself., Skip over that part and go on to another part of your writing., What do you think you can do instead?, How might you find that answer?,
119 - Writing Instructional Support Review
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