Prose - Written or spoken language in its ordinary form,, Imagery - Descriptions that cause readers to be able to have a vivid image in their mind, Stanza - A paragraph of a poem, Point of view (POV) - Position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated :, Line Break - Where the line of the poem ends, Enjambment - The continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line,, Figurative Language - Language used in a non literal way , Metaphor - Comparing not using like or as, Simile - Comparing using like or as, Hyperbole - Exaggerating , Thematic Statement - Complete sentence that expresses a theme., Thematic Topic - One word or short phrase that is an abstract concept that the work explores, Attitude - Settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, Volta - Shift, Repetition - When a word or phrase in said many times, Parallelism - Sentences with grammatical sames, Alliteration - Words that have the same starting letter , Anaphora - The use of a word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence,, Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like a sound, Musicality - When a poem sounds like a song, Rhythm - a strong, regular, repeated pattern of or sound.,
Poetry Vocab
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9th Grade
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