verbs - action words, damp - wet, intense - very strong, anchor - to keep from moving, capsized - tipped over in the water, rescuer - someone who saves a person from harm or danger, caution - to give a warning, exhausted - very tired, expression - a group of words that communicates an ideas, literal - usual, idiom - expression that is commonly known amongst a group, saying - short expressions with advice or wisdom, figurative language - descriptive words that describe something by comparing it with something else, convey - communicating, message - a piece of information, synonym - a word or phrase with a similar meaning, defining - to explain the meaning of, spelling - act of forming words from letters, relationship - the way in which two or more things or people are connected, spelling pattern - a set of letters that makes the same sound in different words, spelling rules - a rule that states how words should be spelled, accuracy - free from error,
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