Practicing the standard algorithm of decimal addition. - Lower-Level Cognitive Demand, Multiplying multi digit numbers by algorithm - Lower-Level Cognitive Demand, Using number lines to add decimals. - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Using base-10 notation to add decimals. - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Expressing Decimals in Various Notations - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Writing decimals in standard form - Lower-Level Cognitive Demand, Reasoning and justifying the steps to solve a real-world scenario with decimals - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Explaining the WHY and HOW of solving a problem involving decimals. - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Lower-Level Cognitive Demand, Write or illustrate two different real-world scenarios of the following problem: 26.97+2.6. - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand, Asking a student to tell the class how to add decimals. - Lower-Level Cognitive Demand, Asking students to share with a partner one way to think about decimal addition. - Higher-Level Cognitive Demand,
Math Coaching Tool 3.5: Analyzing Level of Cognitive Demand
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