Marbury vs. Madison - Court Case that established Judicial Review, Neutrality - Washington’s plan when it came to foreign countries, political parties are dangerous, avoid all permanent foreign alliances - advice from Washington’s Farewell Address, Federalists - political party had a loose interpretation of the Constitution, Democratic-Republicans - political party had a strict interpretation of the Constitution, Presidential cabinet - the group of people who give the president advice, John Adams - president during the XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts - President Adams took rights away from immigrants and made it a crime to publish articles that criticized the government. Violating the 1st Amendment., Judicial Review - Supreme Court determines whether a law is constitutional or not, Louisiana Purchase - bought from France in 1803, doubled the size of the U.S. , Why political parties were started - The interpretation of the constitution, the national bank, the power of the Fed. gov't, Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Allowed local govt's to seize and return escaped enslaved peoples to their owners. It also allowed owners and their “agents” to search for fugitives within the borders of free states. Anyone who helped the escaped enslaved people would have to pay a fine., XYZ Affair - when French Agents attempted to collect a bribe from the US Government, Judiciary Act of 1789 - established the structure of the federal court system., Embargo Act of 1807 - Banned trade with foreign countries especially France and Great Britain who got in the way of American trading. This hurt the U.S. economy instead.,

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