1) Kannst du/können Sie mir bitte helfen? a) Sorry, I forgot my ... b) I' m sorry.  c) Can you help me, please? d) Be quiet! 2) Ist es richtig? a) Be quiet! b) What's ... in English/German?  c) Sit down! d) Is it right? 3) Kann ich es bitte auf Deutsch sagen? a) Can I say it in German, please? b) Sorry, I’m late. c) Stop it, please! d) Which page is it? 4) Wie schreibt man …, bitte? a) Here you are. b) How do you spell …, please? c) Can you repeat that, please? d) Can you open the window, please?! 5) Kann ich auf die Toilette gehen? a) May I go to the toilet, please? b) It's my turn./It's your turn. c) Can you open the window, please?! d) Can you help me, please? 6) Entschuldigung, dass ich zu spät bin. a) Open your books at page … b) Can you repeat that, please? c) Swap..., please! d) Sorry, I’m late. 7) Danke. a) Open your books at page … b) Sit down! c) Thank you. d) It's my turn./It's your turn. 8) Bitte./Nichts zu danken. a) Stop it, please! b) Listen to the story. c) You're welcome. d) Can I say it in German, please? 9) Öffnet eure Bücher auf Seite … a) It´s nine o´clock. b) Swap..., please! c) Open your books at page … d) You're welcome. 10) Kannst du das bitte wiederholen? a) Can you repeat that, please? b) I' m sorry.  c) Sit down! d) Can I have your ..., please? 11) Höre dir die Geschichte an. a) Listen to the story. b) It's my turn./It's your turn. c) Can you open the window, please?! d) Can you speak a little louder, please? 12) Arbeite mit einem Partner. a) What time is it? b) Work with your partner. c) Open your books at page … d) Thank you. 13) Ich habe meine Hausaufgabe nicht gemacht. a) Can you speak a little louder, please? b) Can you open the window, please?! c) I' m sorry.  d) I haven’t done my homework. 14) Was ist... auf Englisch/Deutsch? a) Be quiet! b) Can you speak a little louder, please? c) Sorry, I’m late. d) What's ... in English/German?  15) Tauscht bitte!  a) I can't see the board. b) How do you spell …, please? c) Swap..., please! d) Can I say it in German, please? 16) Seid leise! a) Stop it, please! b) Be quiet! c) Which page is it? d) Is it right? 17) Ich kann die Tafel nicht sehen. a) I can't see the board. b) Can you repeat that, please? c) I haven’t done my homework. d) Open your books at page … 18) Kannst du bitte das Fenster öffnen?! a) Can you open the window, please?! b) Can I have your ..., please? c) It´s nine o´clock. d) Work with your partner. 19) Steh auf! a) Can I have your ..., please? b) Stand up! c) I can't see the board. d) Sorry, I’m late. 20) Setz dich! a) It´s nine o´clock. b) Stand up! c) Thank you. d) Sit down! 21) Hör auf damit! a) It's my turn./It's your turn. b) What's ... in English/German?  c) Stop it, please! d) What time is it? 22) Es tut mir leid. a) Stand up! b) Sorry, I’m late. c) Open your books at page … d) I' m sorry.  23) Kann ich bitte deine/n ... haben? a) Can I have your ..., please? b) Can you repeat that, please? c) Sorry, I’m late. d) Work with your partner. 24) Hier, bitteschön. a) Can I have your ..., please? b) It´s nine o´clock. c) Here you are. d) Be quiet! 25) Ich bin dran./Du bist dran. a) Here you are. b) It's my turn./It's your turn. c) Can you repeat that, please? d) Sorry, I’m late. 26) Welche Seite ist es? a) Is it right? b) Can I have your ..., please? c) Which page is it? d) What's ... in English/German?  27) Entschuldigung, ich habe mein/en ... vergessen a) Sit down! b) Sorry, I forgot my ... c) Which page is it? d) Here you are. 28) Kannst du bitte etwas lauter sprechen? a) Listen to the story. b) Is it right? c) Can you speak a little louder, please? d) I can't see the board. 29) Wie spät ist es? a) Swap..., please! b) Can you help me, please? c) What time is it? d) I haven’t done my homework. 30) Es ist neun Uhr. a) What time is it? b) It´s nine o´clock. c) Which page is it? d) Open your books at page …

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