cyffordd - junction, cyffyrdd - junctions, dawn - talent, doniau - talents, gwrach - witch, gwrachod - witches, lôn feicio - bike lane, ocsiwn - auction, ocsiynau - auctions, aber - estuary, aberoedd - estuaries, arwydd - sign, arwyddion - signs, artist - artist, artistiaid - astists, calendr - calendar, calendrau - calendars, camera cyflymder - speed cameras, cawr - giant, cewri - giants, cricedwr - cricketer, cricedwyr - cricketers, cyfarwyddyd - direction, instruction, cyfarwyddiadau - directions, instructions, egni - energy, etholiad - election, etholiadau - elections, llety - accommodation, llys - court, llysoedd - courts, parc gwledig - country park, targed - target, targedau - targets, testun - subject, testunau - subjects, addasu - to adapt, cicio - to kick, codi ofn (ar) - to frighten, cyflogi - to employ, cyfrannu (at) - to contribute (to), gosod - to put; to set, gwadu - to deny, gweini - to serve, sefydlu - to establish, ymddiheuro (i) - to apologise (to), brwnt - dirty (de Cymru), budr - dirty (gogledd Cymru), cywir - correct, ffyrnig - fierce, hael - generous, llwyddiannus - successful, mentrus - adventurous, rhamantus - romantic, swynol - charming, ar frys - in a hurry, drws ffrynt - front door, gwell hwyr na hwyrach - better late than never, oni bai am ... - if it weren't for ..., ...y cant - ... per cent,

Geirfa Uned 07: Canolradd, Cymraeg i Oedolion (De Cymru)

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