Weather: It is 77°F outside with 92% humidity right now., There is a 20% chance of rain tomorrow., It is only 0°C or 32°F outside this morning., It will be sunny and clear all weekend., It will be cloudy and rainy in Seattle, Washington all week long., It snowed yesterday in Denver, Colorado., Strong thunderstorms in Houston will be flooding to the city., The the lowest temperature on Monday was 15°C or 60°F., There is a cold front moving through the city at this time., Climate: On average, January is the coldest month in Houston, Houston received an average of 20 inches of snow in the last 30 years., The highest temperature in Houston in August is 32.7°C The highest temperature in Houston in August is 32.7°C or 91°F over the last 30 years., The average annual rainfall in Houston is 49.77 inches., The wind in Chicago during spring average 11.7 miles per hour., San Diego, California has an average of 300 sunny days over the last 30 years., Mt. Rainier receives an average of 645.5 inches of snow in the last 3 decades., The month of January has had the coldest temperature on record for the last 30 years.,

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