1) Choose the correct spelling a) imediate b) immediate c) immediat 2) Choose the correct spelling a) stomach b) stomack c) stomache 3) Choose the correct spelling a) reccommend b) recommend c) reccomend 4) Choose the correct spelling a) individuel b) indevidual c) individual 5) Choose the correct spelling a) competiteon b) competetion c) competition 6) Choose the correct spelling a) restaurant b) restuarant c) restaurante 7) Choose the correct spelling a) especially b) espesially c) escpecilly 8) Choose the correct spelling a) exsellent b) excellent c) excellant 9) Choose the correct spelling a) marvelous b) marvellous c) marvellus 10) Choose the correct spelling a) sufficient b) suficient c) sufficent 11) Choose the correct spelling a) temperature b) temprature c) tempreture 12) Choose the correct spelling a) seperate b) separate c) seperet 13) Choose the correct spelling a) arguement b) arggument c) argument 14) Choose the correct spelling a) knowlidge b) knowledge c) nowledge 15) Choose the correct spelling a) lightning b) ligthening c) lightining 16) Choose the correct spelling a) ryhthm b) rythmm c) rhythm 17) Choose the correct spelling a) maintenance b) maintainance c) maintainence 18) Choose the correct spelling a) sissors b) scissors c) sisores 19) Choose the correct spelling a) generally b) genrally c) genrelly 20) Choose the correct spelling a) resterant b) restaurant c) restuarant

Spellings for Year 5&6

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