1) Some people say that salt water never freezes. This is not true. Salt water does freeze. However, it takes a colder temperature to freeze salt water than it does to freeze fresh water. Salt water freezes at 28°. Fresh water freezes at 32°. The freezing temperature of salt water and fresh water: a) differs by ten degrees b) differs by four degrees c) differs by twenty degrees 2) Native Americans liked to eat buffalo meat. It has a strong taste. Today most people say that the taste of buffalo meat is too strong. Also buffalo meat isn't easy to chew, even if it is cooked for a long time. Most people don't like buffalo meat: a) for two reasons b) for one reason c) for no reason at all 3) Have you ever heard anyone say, "many hands make light work"? This is an old saying. It means that if many people help do a job, no one person has to work very hard. The work becomes easy or light. The opposite of the saying would be: a) "a few hands make no work" b) " a few hands are made to work" c) "a few hands make heavy work" 4) The hippo is a large water and land animal. It lives in Africa. Except for the elephant, the hippo is the fattest of all land animals. A large hippo may weigh as much as three automobiles. We wouldn't want a hippo to step on our toes!You can tell that the hippo weighs: a) less than an elephant b) more than an elephant c) the same as an elephant 5) People like to play cards. There are card games that one person can play by herself. There are even card games that 10 people can play. While there are only 52 cards in a deck, there are hundreds of card games that can be played.You can tell that there are: a) fewer games than cards b) more games than cards c) fifty-two players

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