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71 resulta sa 'gcsejapanese'

12 Basic Verbs☀️どうし Marugoto A1
12 Basic Verbs☀️どうし Marugoto A1 Random cards
Choose the correct particles
Choose the correct particles Eroplano
6Basic Verbs☀️どうし
6Basic Verbs☀️どうし Random cards
かんきょうもんだい Sentence building
かんきょうもんだい Sentence building Match up
Attack on Particles
Attack on Particles Complete the sentence
12 Family members Hiragana-Kanji
12 Family members Hiragana-Kanji Matching pairs
Katakana Practice: Best Global Brands 2023 Top 10
Katakana Practice: Best Global Brands 2023 Top 10 Anagram
Self-introduction Anagram
ハンバーガーください Match up
Particles: I eat my dinner in my room
Particles: I eat my dinner in my room Complete the sentence
Adjective - Past tense wa nandesuka?
Adjective - Past tense wa nandesuka? Random cards
Say it was/wasn't [adjective]
Say it was/wasn't [adjective] Random cards
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Match Up
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Match Up Match up
6 Basic verbs
6 Basic verbs Match up
X の Y です。     X no Y desu
X の Y です。 X no Y desu Random cards
10 Words for Transport (with clue)
10 Words for Transport (with clue) Anagram
旅行(りょこう)Travelling [audio]
旅行(りょこう)Travelling [audio] Find the match
こくさい文化(ぶんか)Word bank
こくさい文化(ぶんか)Word bank Find the match
<スポーツ> きいてかきましょう Sports Listening Crossword
<スポーツ> きいてかきましょう Sports Listening Crossword Crossword
13 Adjectives EN-Hiragana
13 Adjectives EN-Hiragana Find the match
10 School Subjects in Hiragana
10 School Subjects in Hiragana Match up
Adjectives Personality
Adjectives Personality Find the match
Particle Challenge: Hobbies
Particle Challenge: Hobbies Eroplano
Vことができますか? Open the box
なにこうこう?なんねんせい? Group sort
Studying foreign language Anagram
Studying foreign language Anagram Anagram
Work Experience Word Bank Best 16
Work Experience Word Bank Best 16 Find the match
Food&drink 30
Food&drink 30 Random cards
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Matching Find the match
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Best 16
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Best 16 Find the match
カタカナ 10 words for December with Hint
カタカナ 10 words for December with Hint Anagram
Word order: I study at the library
Word order: I study at the library Unjumble
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Multiple choice
いろいろな仕事(しごと)Multiple choice Quiz
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 5.
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 5. Complete the sentence
School Subject in Hiragana
School Subject in Hiragana Anagram
クイズ  学校せいかつ Hiragana
クイズ 学校せいかつ Hiragana Quiz
いろいろなしごと 1
いろいろなしごと 1 Anagram
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 1. Hiragana
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 1. Hiragana Group sort
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 2. Audio
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 2. Audio Group sort
にほんちりクイズ Match up
Gakusei, daigaku, kyoushi
Gakusei, daigaku, kyoushi Labelled diagram
School life and events 学校行事(がっこうぎょうじ)など
School life and events 学校行事(がっこうぎょうじ)など Matching pairs
Kyoushi, gakusei, eigo, nihongo
Kyoushi, gakusei, eigo, nihongo Labelled diagram
Event and Party
Event and Party Unjumble
日本の学校クイズ ほんとう(T)?うそ(F)?
日本の学校クイズ ほんとう(T)?うそ(F)? Gameshow quiz
きせつと天気 Choose the correct Kanji
きせつと天気 Choose the correct Kanji Gameshow quiz
Verbs ない形は? [audio]
Verbs ない形は? [audio] Random cards
Family member Match ひらがな-漢字
Family member Match ひらがな-漢字 Match up
My town: Making あります sentences
My town: Making あります sentences Unjumble
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 3. EN hints
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 3. EN hints Complete the sentence
Adjectives in Negative: Which one goes 〜くないです?
Adjectives in Negative: Which one goes 〜くないです? Whack-a-mole
こくさい文化12 漢字&しゃしん
こくさい文化12 漢字&しゃしん Matching pairs
Save Our Planet
Save Our Planet Anagram
しゅうきょう(お寺と神社) Group sort
Transport 〜でいきます。(without clue)
Transport 〜でいきます。(without clue) Anagram
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 4.
GCSE Kanji Place Suffix 4. Group sort
I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?