Key Stage 3 English
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Debate topics
Random wheel

Open the box

Match up

Match up

Formal and Informal Letters
Group sort

Sentence types

Connectives Wheel
Random wheel

Match up1 - sentence types
Match up

Random wheel

Match up homophones
Match up

Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs
Group sort

persuasive techniques
Match up


Formal and informal language
Match up

Romeo and Juliet - who said what?
Match up

Fact or Opinion
Group sort

Harry Potter Quiz

Word classes
Match up

Writing Types
Match up

Persuasive Writing
Labelled diagram

adjective, verb and adverb sort
Group sort

Greek Gods

Simile match up
Match up

language match up
Match up

Language Features
Match up

Sentence Type sort
Group sort

Persuasive terms
Match up

Apostrophe (Contraction)Flip tiles
Find the match

Group sort me gusta-me duele
Group sort

Las vacaciones
Match up

Viva 2 mi vida mi movil
Match up

Une visite à Paris perfect tense
Match up

animal cell
Labelled diagram

Long or Short oo?
Group sort

Excel Starter
Match up

Conditionals Match Up
Match up
General Knowledge
En el restaurante
Find the match
Une Visite à Paris
Complete the sentence
French Face Vocab
Labelled diagram
Digestive system
Find the match
Random wheel
Excel Spreadsheets - Keywords
Match up
Family match up French
Match up
Parts of a computer
Labelled diagram
Methods of cooking
Match up
menstrual cycle quiz
KS3 CS -7.3 Computer Systems - Computer Parts
Labelled diagram
Le passé composé - être ou avoir?
Maze chase
Match up
Why we cook food.
Complete the sentence