Present Simple
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10,000+ resulta sa 'present simple'
Do VS Be verbs
Group sort
Be or Do?
Group sort
E1 Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Match up
Daily Routine Pictures Cards
Random cards
Present simle and present continuous questions
Random wheel
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
Group sort
Colin Brodie gapfill
Complete the sentence
Present Simple exercises
Complete the sentence
Present Simple
Complete the sentence
Free Time Activities - Question Form
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words
Complete the sentence
ESOL: Shopping Sentences
Routine Verbs Wordsearch
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Find the match
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
Matching pairs
Past Simple
Tama o Sayup
Present Simple Sentences Unjumble
Present Perfect exercises
Complete the sentence
Past Simple
Match up
Past simple jumbled sentences
Clothes & Present Continuous
Maze chase
10 common verbs #1
Match up
V1 and V2 Sorting Task
Group sort
past tense questions and answers
Match up
Match past simple and base verbs
Matching pairs
Past Simple Sentence Formation (2)
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs
Labelled diagram
Past Simple Sentence Formation
Past Simple Sentence Formation (3)
Check your knowledge of the present continuous
Gameshow quiz
Past Simple Crossword
Past simple
What did we used to do (2000 and before)?
Random wheel
Adverbs of frequency
Common verbs Simple present Foundation
Complete the sentence
present simple
Have/have to
Complete the sentence
to be: I, you, this, name, it, they
Complete the sentence
Present simple questions (Wh- words)
Hobbies likes and dislikes
Present simple - auxiliary do/does (negatives, questions)
Complete the sentence
Present Simple (verb-to-be)
Word magnets
Present Simple Practice
Complete the sentence
Cinema Ticket Reorder
Rank order
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Complete the sentence
nieregularne czasy
Group sort