Mga example gikan sa among komunidad
1,854 resulta sa 'technology'
Matching pairs
Phrasal verbs -technology
Maze chase
Positive impacts of technology
Open the box
Matching pairs
Cooking Methods
Gameshow quiz
Random wheel
Matching activity with Google Apps
Match up
Match up
Kitchen Safety Starter
Labelled diagram
grown, reared, caught
Group sort
Seasonal Foods (Fruits & Vegetables)
Group sort
British Food Matching Activity
Match up
Types of Seafood (GCSE Food and Nutrition)
Group sort
Food Labels
Match up
Foods from the eatwell guide
Foods Around The World Country Picker!
Random wheel
Which group does it belong to?
Group sort
Types of vegetables
Group sort
Match up
Food sources
Group sort
Staple Foods Lesson
Random wheel
Nutrients & their function
Match up
Cooking Methods sorting activity
Matching pairs
Food Poisoning
Food Provenance - cultural dishes
Matching pairs
Farm to Fork Quiz
la Technologie / "Je" form
Match up
Smart Materials
Match up
Special Diets
Match up
Religion and nutrition
Match up
Health and Safety in the Textiles Classroom
Complete the sentence
Pastry Products - Name that pastry!
Group sort
Functions of Ingredients - Pastry
Match up
Food and Nutrition
Food Allergens
Hazards and Controls
Group sort
Fruit types
Group sort
Protein Sorting activity HBV & LBV
Group sort
Health and safety symbols
Match up
Hospitality & Catering Establishments
Open the box
Food Poisoning Key Terms
Match up
Special Diets
Match up
Religious Diets
Match up
Object or material?
Group sort
material properties - easy
Match up
material properties - harder
Match up
A few questions about technology
Random wheel
Command words
Match up
Hello, how are you? 2
Match up
Listen and number the pictures 3/1
Match up
6rs of sustainability
Match up
CAD/CAM - Advantages and Disadvantages
Group sort
Food Groups KS1
Group sort
The 6r's of sustainability
Match up