7 13
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Present Continuous - At the swimming pool
Labelled diagram

Sport Speaking Cards
Open the box

Tell me about your friend (Warmer, Flyers)
Random wheel

Will / Won't
Random wheel

Reddy's funny stories. 1. A puzzle
Match up

FH4. Countries and nationalities
Matching pairs

FH4. Lesson 4. Adjectives or adverbs?
Complete the sentence

Exciting days! (Fun for Flyers U37)
Rank order

Reddy's funny stories 3. An apple ball
Complete the sentence

Кузовлев 7 класс unit 3 lesson 1
Labelled diagram

Usually - today
Group sort

Adverbs of frequency unjumble

Spotlight 3 Module 7 (13)

Ordinal and cardinal numbers
Match up

ВПР- 7 (6)
Complete the sentence

Prepare 1 present simple vs continuous
Tama o Sayup

U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
Find the match

Family and Friends 3 Unit 13
Find the match

Asking questions
Random cards

Horizonte 7 Freundschaft
Match up

Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs
Complete the sentence

Valentines Day Quiz

Spotlight 5 Module 5
Labelled diagram

Go Getter 2 1.3
Group sort

Third conditional Speaking practice
Random cards

Go Getter (2) 2.2 Vocabulary

My holidays!
Find the match

Group sort

Шишкова урок 13 упр 7
Find the match

Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Short Answers)
Random cards

Common verb phrases (group sort)
Group sort
Rainbow English 7 unit 4 another, other, others
Complete the sentence
Rainbow English 7 unit 4 irregular verbs
Find the match
Sea/Land animals (5-7)
Group sort
Spotlight 7 Module 7b Film
Match up
Spotlight 7 Module 7 Comparative Superlative
Group sort
Postcard Module 6C
Complete the sentence
Spotlight 7 Module 9
Group sort
Lesson 9. Irregular Verbs practice +/- 1
Complete the sentence