
English / ESL Phonics Primary

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10,000+ resulta sa 'english phonics primary'

e u i o words
e u i o words Quiz
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Quiz
 sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Quiz
sh ch th
sh ch th Group sort
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Match up
Letter Mm
Letter Mm Match up
Letter Nn
Letter Nn Match up
Letter Rr
Letter Rr Match up
"f" vs "h" sounds
"f" vs "h" sounds Quiz
l j v w x y
l j v w x y Quiz
 Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i])
Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i]) Random wheel
 ear, air
ear, air Quiz
TH-reading Random cards
th (voiced\voiceless), ng
th (voiced\voiceless), ng Match up
Phonics reading 1
Phonics reading 1 Random cards
Phonics 2 reading
Phonics 2 reading Random cards
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Flying fruit
qu, sh, ch
qu, sh, ch Anagram
 qu, j, z, x
qu, j, z, x Matching pairs
f, h
f, h Find the match
m d g o c
m d g o c Find the match
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa Random cards
m d g o c
m d g o c Quiz
Unscramble the words
Unscramble the words Anagram
Clothes Find the match
Phonics - all
Phonics - all Random cards
Phonics - aw
Phonics - aw Random cards
ar Random cards
Phonics - UR IR ER
Phonics - UR IR ER Random cards
Short o words
Short o words Gameshow quiz
-ng phonics
-ng phonics Random cards
Digraphs sh ch
Digraphs sh ch Group sort
he she  + name + age +toy
he she + name + age +toy Random cards
Phonics - ea
Phonics - ea Random cards
CVC reading
CVC reading Open the box
Phonics - oa
Phonics - oa Random cards
Phonics 'ee', 'ea'
Phonics 'ee', 'ea' Find the match
Phonics - ee
Phonics - ee Random cards
Short A and short U
Short A and short U Random cards
Phonics SH sound
Phonics SH sound Random cards
short I and long I
short I and long I Group sort
Phonics - oi, oy
Phonics - oi, oy Random cards
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Ii
Oxford Phonics Letter Ii Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Qq
Oxford Phonics Letter Qq Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Gg
Oxford Phonics Letter Gg Match up
Oxford Phonics Letter Aa
Oxford Phonics Letter Aa Match up
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