Past Simple Passive
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10,000+ resulta sa 'past simple passive'
Passive voice - present simple, past simple
Open the box
Passive Voice
Random cards
Simple Passives
Complete the sentence
Active into passive (Past Simple)
Random cards
Present/Past/Future Simple маркери часу
Group sort
Past Simple/Past Continuous
past simple or past continuous
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Random cards
Present Perfect - Past Simple [ ? ]
Flash cards
10 Past simple questions
Gameshow quiz
Past simple grammar
Complete the sentence
be past unj
Present simple + frequency
35 Past simple irregular verbs
Open the box
Past Simple (warming up)
Flash cards
Enjoy English 4 - Irregular Verbs 2
Complete the sentence
Past simple, affirmative or negative
Open the box
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Complete the sentence
Warming up (past simple)
Flash cards
Past Simple
past simple regular (+, - , ?)
Open the box
Irregular verbs
Random cards
Irregular verbs
Указатели Past Simple
Flash cards
What did you do on ... ? Speak about your last week
Random cards
Past simple (+,-)
Winter Holidays
Random cards
TO BE in Past Simple
Tama o Sayup
Past Simple irregular verbs
Complete the sentence
Say what you did (past simple: regular verbs)
Open the box
was were
Past Simple. Did / -ed
Complete the sentence
Past Simple
Past Simple Regular Verbs +/-/?
Past Simple short story
Open the box
Past Simple
Past Simple Questions
Past Simple + - ? (regular verbs)
Open the box
Regular / Irregular verbs
Group sort
Past simple. Regular verbs (+, - , ?)
Open the box
Past Simple
Labelled diagram
past simple (affirmative, negative)
Match up
Winter activities
Random cards