1st Grade Megawords closed syllables
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Open & Closed Syllables
Tama o Sayup
Open & Closed Syllables
Open the box
Open, Closed & Magic-e Syllables
Group sort
4.1 Closed vs. Open Vowel Sounds BOOM
Random cards
Open & Magic-e Syllables
Tama o Sayup
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
OG68 maze chase Open Syllables
Maze chase
3.4 Real Words
Random wheel
Match the word to the picture
Match up
Let's Go to the Moon Sight Word Practice
Complete the sentence
Mixed Syllables in words Maze
Maze chase
Closed Syllables
Group sort
Find the Closed🤛Syllable
Gameshow quiz
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
Open Syllables vs. Closed Syllables
Group sort
Read Words - Closed, Open, Silent E
Random wheel
Space Cards - Closed, Open, Silent E
Random cards
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
Open and closed syllables
Open the box
Open and Closed Syllables Game Show
Gameshow quiz
4.1 Open & Closed Nonsense Syllables
Tama o Sayup
Closed Syllables
Closed Syllables - Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
Closed Syllables
Wheel - Three Syllable Words
Random wheel
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Group sort
Vowel Men
Group sort
Glued Sounds Review
Gameshow quiz
Sequence of Events Practice
Match up
Closed Syllables/ Closed Syllable Exceptions
Group sort
Text Features
Maze chase
Open and Closed Syllables
Maze chase
closed and silent -e syllables
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
Closed Syllables/ Closed Syllable Exceptions
Group sort
2.2 Glued sounds in closed syllables
Group sort
Open and Closed Syllables
Closed Syllables/ Closed Syllable Exceptions
Group sort
Open Syllables vs. Closed Syllables
Group sort
Closed Syllables/ Closed Syllable Exceptions
Gameshow quiz
Open or Closed Syllables
Group sort
open and closed syllables
open or closed syllables
Group sort
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
Closed Syllables - Wilson 2.1
Open and Closed Syllables
Random cards
closed, open, vce syllables
Gameshow quiz
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
VC-CV (doubling rule)
Match up
Open and Closed Syllables
Group sort
Open or Closed Syllables
Group sort
3.4 Closed Syllables
4.1 Closed Syllables