
3rd Grade Spelling

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Which? -ck or -k??
Which? -ck or -k?? Quiz
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling Group sort
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Anagram
Homophones Gameshow quiz
pick the spelling of /er/
pick the spelling of /er/ Quiz
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai)
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai) Group sort
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa)
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Group sort
r-controlled sentence fill-in review
r-controlled sentence fill-in review Complete the sentence
plural nouns (-s/-es)
plural nouns (-s/-es) Group sort
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea) Complete the sentence
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee)
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee) Group sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort Group sort
ee and ea homophones
ee and ea homophones Open the box
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou)
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou) Find the match
spelling consonant-le words
spelling consonant-le words Anagram
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds Anagram
Long Spelling Rules - ge/dge, k/ck, ch/tch
Long Spelling Rules - ge/dge, k/ck, ch/tch Gameshow quiz
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy Gameshow quiz
Choose the Correct Spelling L3 Unit 4
Choose the Correct Spelling L3 Unit 4 Quiz
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17)
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17) Random cards
2 sounds of 'ear'
2 sounds of 'ear' Group sort
Contractions Random wheel
Unjumble sentences with floss words
Unjumble sentences with floss words Unjumble
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7)
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7) Unjumble
-ck words
-ck words Anagram
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7)
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7) Complete the sentence
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK)
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK) Group sort
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7)
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7) Complete the sentence
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9)
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9) Unjumble
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Hangman
-tion -sion spelling
-tion -sion spelling Group sort
Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE Hangman
<er> words
<er> words Random cards
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA Hangman
UFLI 84 AI AY Whack-a-mole
Barton 4.08 Compound Words
Barton 4.08 Compound Words Hangman
AU AW AUGH OU OUGH Pagdaug o pildi nga quiz
I dont know
I dont know Tama o Sayup
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo)
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo) Group sort
Barton 4.05 Rule Review
Barton 4.05 Rule Review Quiz
au versus aw
au versus aw Tama o Sayup
Spell-in-the-blank: long u
Spell-in-the-blank: long u Quiz
UFLI Heart Words:  Lesson 058-062
UFLI Heart Words: Lesson 058-062 Random cards
UFLI Heart Words:  Lesson 033-041
UFLI Heart Words: Lesson 033-041 Random cards
Barton 4.11 Confident Rule
Barton 4.11 Confident Rule Balloon pop
True or False er, ir, ur
True or False er, ir, ur Tama o Sayup
UFLI 42 FLSZ Matching pairs
long e (through SPIRE Level 4)
long e (through SPIRE Level 4) Rank order
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies Quiz
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings Group sort
OO Spelling
OO Spelling Hangman
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals)
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals) Gameshow quiz
Spelling - Compound Words
Spelling - Compound Words Gameshow quiz
CKLA Unit 4 Lesson 6-11 Spelling
CKLA Unit 4 Lesson 6-11 Spelling Group sort
GR3 Wonders U2W3 Spelling
GR3 Wonders U2W3 Spelling Wordsearch
Suffix Spelling Rules
Suffix Spelling Rules Maze chase
Wonders spelling U3W3 grade 3
Wonders spelling U3W3 grade 3 Gameshow quiz
/oo/ words spelled o, ew, o_e, oo
/oo/ words spelled o, ew, o_e, oo Anagram
Multisyllable spelling
Multisyllable spelling Whack-a-mole
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